Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Oh What To Do Strange New Site

Okay so this is Manus Obscura's first blog on this site, I guess we should start with a bang. I am confused and embarrassed about signing our soul over to Illumina record's Rockers for Life compilation. Hopefully they won't let me down and follow through. Although, should they pull through... I doubt we will work further with them. I don't really give a shit about shitty artists on a Michigan CD.

We're a band from NH, what the fuck is a CD of Michigan bands going to do for me, they all sounded like the same band, and each song was shit. Obviously these guys don't listen to the music they put out there, either that or it's all they can get. I can only hope the New Hampshire CD is decent. But I won't keep my hopes up, I am starting to doubt it will ever come out. Oh well, I've got my copy of the contract...and the receipt of when we faxed it out to them from staples...gotta love backing up your shit. HA!

Although I will say there is an extreme lack of diverse music in NH, I believe this state consists of, Fusion/Alternative bands, Punk, Metal and Folk/Acoustic...we may be the only electronic and industrial act of the state...fuck we need to get out of this place.

New album in the works, concept, planning to release it early 2010. "Condemned by Freedom."

Check out our first album on iTunes, "Illigitimi Non Carborundum."

Also check us out at: and