Sunday, July 11, 2010

Friday, July 9th, 2010

Our show two days ago on the 9th was by far our best. We played with our friends Skard, Cadaver, Rooks and Rebecca Songbird at the Ashland Booster Club. Each artist performed very well and we all succeeded at not dying of heat stroke.

I am not sure if it was the heat or what, but the crowed was like an old man's dick at first...reluctant to get up. Fortunately after some abuse, they decided to rage a little which was awesome to witness. It was like a bunch of angry zombies raging in front of me. Ultimately it was a great show. I haven't been that exhausted since I went to a rave at Club Therapy in Providence RI.

The show started with Rebecca Songbird who wooed the crowd in with her harmonies, while Rooks followed, working them into a brooding inner solitude with angst building and rising. Cadaver took the stage and caused that new found rage to begin to boil. Then we were up and that crowed let it all out, i felt it in my face...that or it was the incredible heat from the lights and blasted summer. Skard stepped up and put the icing on the cake with their angry melodies.

Ultimately for everyone, this was one of the best shows we have ever done together. I hope to do plenty more with these guys, it's a blast. If you missed it, get your ass to the fucking next one!

I would like to again thank everyone who did come to the show, it means a lot that you were there, and to all of the other artists. You guys were fantastic, thank you again for inviting me to play with you guys, you guys are kick ass.


Oh shit I almost forgot. Our EP "Pride of the Land" is finished. We will be selling some special edition copies at the next event, these copies (6) have a limited edition version of the song "Dream." After all of these are sold, I will be deleting it from the hard drive. Other than that, it will be on iTunes at some point as a digital EP, and physical at shows alone.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Alright, since Manus Obscura has begun to jump start into a summer tour/performance thing, I feel I am going to need to keep up with this blog. In this chaotic time of my life, between college, music and art, it is difficult to keep up with keeping fans and friends up to date.

First thing is first. Manus Obscura has a new song out called "Scum." It is up on our account and our account. However, I have placed a player within the blog just to make sure you all can get a listen without the hassle to site hopping. So far we have gotten nothing but great feedback about the new song, and it is relieving to know that such great feedback can be recieved before the tour kicks off, which we are unofficially kicking off on the 19th of this month.

We will be playing with our buddies Skard. Great guys and gal who will rock your face off and do everything there is to shock the jock. You can listen to these guys at their myspace page:

We are excited to play with them, it's going to be a blast. It will be great to get out there and hopefully see that there are many more who enjoy our styles and I know I look forward to meeting a variety of colorful new people. In the meantime please enjoy our new track and don't forget to check out Skard's profile, you won't regret it.

stand alone player

Tuesday, June 1, 2010



I don't keep up with this blog enough. "Condemned by Freedom" has not progressed in production and we are extremely behind. At this point, with new influences and moods brewing we almost have come to the conclusion to just either put the project aside for another time or just release it as our first EP. However, nothing is final yet.

In other news an edited down version of "The World You Dream" has been submitted to Toyota Music's Rock the Space II competition on Myspace. Please check it out and vote for us, winning is a shot in the dark but just getting out there is the major concern. Please check it out and share with others. If you are reading this, you're probably awesome anyways.

Here is the link:

stand alone player

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Things Be Happening

The studio is quite chilly, a bit too cold for bare feet but I will have to endure. I don't want to write too much and lose the interest of you the reader so I will keep this brief. The new album is coming along splendidly although it is taking a little longer than expected but I am still confident it will be released on time. As most are aware we are still calling the project "Condemned by Freedom." So far we have six tracks completed, discarded three tracks and are still composing the rest of the album. I am very impressed by the outcome of the songs and am fully confident that this is the best Manus Obscura has created.

In other news, Manus Obscura is ecstatic that we have been placed at #1 in's electronic charts for New Hampshire.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Oh What To Do Strange New Site

Okay so this is Manus Obscura's first blog on this site, I guess we should start with a bang. I am confused and embarrassed about signing our soul over to Illumina record's Rockers for Life compilation. Hopefully they won't let me down and follow through. Although, should they pull through... I doubt we will work further with them. I don't really give a shit about shitty artists on a Michigan CD.

We're a band from NH, what the fuck is a CD of Michigan bands going to do for me, they all sounded like the same band, and each song was shit. Obviously these guys don't listen to the music they put out there, either that or it's all they can get. I can only hope the New Hampshire CD is decent. But I won't keep my hopes up, I am starting to doubt it will ever come out. Oh well, I've got my copy of the contract...and the receipt of when we faxed it out to them from staples...gotta love backing up your shit. HA!

Although I will say there is an extreme lack of diverse music in NH, I believe this state consists of, Fusion/Alternative bands, Punk, Metal and Folk/Acoustic...we may be the only electronic and industrial act of the state...fuck we need to get out of this place.

New album in the works, concept, planning to release it early 2010. "Condemned by Freedom."

Check out our first album on iTunes, "Illigitimi Non Carborundum."

Also check us out at: and