Saturday, June 12, 2010


Alright, since Manus Obscura has begun to jump start into a summer tour/performance thing, I feel I am going to need to keep up with this blog. In this chaotic time of my life, between college, music and art, it is difficult to keep up with keeping fans and friends up to date.

First thing is first. Manus Obscura has a new song out called "Scum." It is up on our account and our account. However, I have placed a player within the blog just to make sure you all can get a listen without the hassle to site hopping. So far we have gotten nothing but great feedback about the new song, and it is relieving to know that such great feedback can be recieved before the tour kicks off, which we are unofficially kicking off on the 19th of this month.

We will be playing with our buddies Skard. Great guys and gal who will rock your face off and do everything there is to shock the jock. You can listen to these guys at their myspace page:

We are excited to play with them, it's going to be a blast. It will be great to get out there and hopefully see that there are many more who enjoy our styles and I know I look forward to meeting a variety of colorful new people. In the meantime please enjoy our new track and don't forget to check out Skard's profile, you won't regret it.

stand alone player

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