Sunday, July 11, 2010

Friday, July 9th, 2010

Our show two days ago on the 9th was by far our best. We played with our friends Skard, Cadaver, Rooks and Rebecca Songbird at the Ashland Booster Club. Each artist performed very well and we all succeeded at not dying of heat stroke.

I am not sure if it was the heat or what, but the crowed was like an old man's dick at first...reluctant to get up. Fortunately after some abuse, they decided to rage a little which was awesome to witness. It was like a bunch of angry zombies raging in front of me. Ultimately it was a great show. I haven't been that exhausted since I went to a rave at Club Therapy in Providence RI.

The show started with Rebecca Songbird who wooed the crowd in with her harmonies, while Rooks followed, working them into a brooding inner solitude with angst building and rising. Cadaver took the stage and caused that new found rage to begin to boil. Then we were up and that crowed let it all out, i felt it in my face...that or it was the incredible heat from the lights and blasted summer. Skard stepped up and put the icing on the cake with their angry melodies.

Ultimately for everyone, this was one of the best shows we have ever done together. I hope to do plenty more with these guys, it's a blast. If you missed it, get your ass to the fucking next one!

I would like to again thank everyone who did come to the show, it means a lot that you were there, and to all of the other artists. You guys were fantastic, thank you again for inviting me to play with you guys, you guys are kick ass.


Oh shit I almost forgot. Our EP "Pride of the Land" is finished. We will be selling some special edition copies at the next event, these copies (6) have a limited edition version of the song "Dream." After all of these are sold, I will be deleting it from the hard drive. Other than that, it will be on iTunes at some point as a digital EP, and physical at shows alone.